Thursday, July 25, 2013

In the beginning...

My husband heard about a book on NPR and bought it for his Nook tablet. He read part of it and it languished. Then I decided we needed to try something new and he brought it up again. So I read "The Fast Metabolism Diet" by Haylie Pomroy and I am sold. It makes sense. The science seems sound to me.

Now we have to plan. This is not a diet you jump into. Especially if you are vegetarians like we are. We will make some sacrifices. We will not eat wheat, soy, corn, or dairy for 28 days. We will give up caffeine, sugar and sweeteners, and alcohol for 28 days. We will follow the phases each week - two days on Phase 1, two days on Phase 2, three days on Phase 3. And we will begin again each week.

Phase Two worries me the most. We have decided we will eat fish for the Phase Two portion. Not vegetarian. However with soy (and wheat and corn) out of the picture, our options are very limited. We will eat egg whites - you don't have to kill a chicken to get eggs. And they suggest non-GMO, organic soy tempeh for vegans, but only for vegans.

We have to eat a lot. Because we are larger than "normal" we have to increase our portions to 1.5 times the standard serving size. And we have to eat every 3 hours beginning within 30 minutes of getting up each morning.

There is phase-specific exercise, too, and you're not allowed to exercise on an empty stomach. Phase One do cardio. Just once. On one day. Phase Two lift weights. Just once. On one day. Phase Three relax - do yoga, get a massage, etc. Just once. On one of the three days.

It seems doable and daunting at the same time.

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